Yang Xiuqing, born in 1966, is a professor and Ph.D. supervisor at the China University of Political Science and Law, and the Party Secretary of the Civil, and Commercial and Economic Law School.
Awards: Beijing Patriotic Meritorious Pacesetter, the Third National Civil Procedure Law Research Achievement Award for Young and Middle-Age Scholars, and the Sixth National Procedure Law Excellent Research Achievement Papers Award for Young and Middle-age Scholars among others.
Social Appointments:
Member, Procedure Law Studies Institute of China Law Society
Executive Member of the Arbitration Law Studies Institute of China Law Society
Member, China Behavior Law Studies Institute of China Law Society
Expert, Theoretical Committee for Online Trials of Chinese Judicial Theory Research Association among others.
Courses: Civil Procedure Law, Arbitration Law, Seminar on Civil Procedure Law, etc.
Research Fields: Civil Procedure Law, Arbitration Law