Associate Professor
Deputy Director of the Civil Procedure Law Institute

Educational Background
LL.B., 1997, CUPL
LL.M. (major: civil procedure law), 2001, CUPL
Ph.D. (major: civil procedure law), 2005, CUPL
Work Experience
2011. 9 - Present Associate Professor, Civil, Commercial and Economic Law School,
University of Political Science and Law
2003. 9 – 2011. 8 Lecturer, Civil, Commercial and Economic Law School, China University of Political Science and Law
1993. 8 – 1998. 8 Secretary & English Translator,
Zhangguang 101 Group
Research Interests
The civil procedure law of China, the arbitration law of China, evidence in civil litigations, the law of civil enforcement, comparative studies on civil procedure law, legal culture studies, Chinese judicial system, etc.
Courses Taught
The Civil Procedure Law of
(in Chinese)
The Civil Procedure Law of
(in English)
The Civil Enforcement Law of
(in Chinese)
The Civil Evidence Law of
(in Chinese)
The Arbitration Law of
(in Chinese)
Comparative Civil Procedure Law (a bilingual course of English & Chinese)
External Exchange
1. Visiting scholar of Bangor University, the UK, in 2013.
2. Visiting scholar of Penn State University, the United States, in 2014.
3. Attended the IAPL annual conference, Spain, in 2008.
4. Visiting scholar of Columbia University, the United States, in 2018.
Member, Civil Procedure Law Society of
Consulting Expert, the People’s Procuratorate of Haidian District,
Consulting Expert, the People’s Procuratorate of Xin Jiang Uygur Autonomous Region
Honors and Awards
1. The third prize of treatise contest sponsored by CCE Law School of CUPL (2003, 2005, 2013, 2015 and 2017)
2. The second prize of treatise contest sponsored by CCE Law School of CUPL (2007)
3. The third prize of “the First National Civil Procedure Academic Rewards for Young Jurists” (2007), sponsored by China Law Society
4. The second prize for “the Fifth Basic Teaching Skill Competition for Young Teachers” organized by CUPL (2008)
5. CUPL Outstanding Teaching Award (2015, 2016 and 2019)
Chinese, English
Contact Information
Office Tel: +86-10-5890 9337
Office Fax: +86-10-5890 9334
Office Address:
Room 544,
Xueyuan Road
Civil, Commercial and Economic
Law School,
Political Science
and Law
No. 25 Xitucheng Road,
Haidian District,
Representative Publications
1. (学术专著)《民事再审程序研究》(约210,000字),中国法制出版社2006年5月版。“Research on Civil Retrial Proceeding” (Chinese version, about 210,000 words), published by China Legality Press in 2006.
2. (学术专著)《英美民事诉讼的历史文化背景》(约500,000字),法律出版社2015年7月版。 “Cultural and Historical Background of Anglo-American Civil Procedure” (Chinese version, about 500,000 words), published by Law Press of China in July of 2015.
3. Co-authored with Professor Bi Yuqian (毕玉谦教授) and others on Research on Rules of Electronic Evidence in Civil Litigations (《民事诉讼 电子数据证据规则研究》), Chinese version (wrote about 50, 000 words of the whole works), published by the Press of China University of Political Science & Law in August of 2016.
4. Co-authored with Professor Bi Yuqian (毕玉谦教授) and others on Research on the Expert Assessor System in Civil Litigation (《民事诉讼专家辅助人制度研究》), Chinese version (wrote about 30, 000 words of the whole works), published by the Press of China University of Political Science & Law in October of 2017.
5. In the Civil Procedure Law of China edited by Professor Bi Yuqian (毕玉谦教授) (a top-notch law text book published by the Press of China University of Political Science and Law in 2019), responsible for the drafting of Chapter IV "Basic Theories of Civil Procedure Law" (about 26,000 words).
1. “简论民事诉讼当事人处分权”,载《政法论坛》2001年第1期。Concisely on the Disposition Rights of the Civil Litigators, Tribune of Political Science and Law, the 1st issue of 2001.
2. “中国古代民诉证明标准初探”,载《研究生法学》2001年第2期。
Concisely on the Standard of Proof Applied in the Ancient China’s Civil Trials, Graduate Law Review. CUPL, the 2nd issue of 2001.
3. “论西方古代民事诉讼证明标准”,载《比较法研究》2001年第4期。
On the Standard of Proof Applied in the Ancient Western Civil Trials, Journal of Comparative Law, the 4th issue of 2001.
4. “论民事诉讼上的自认”,载《河北法学》2003年第6期。
On the Litigators’ Admission in the Civil Litigations, Hebei Law Science, the 6th issue of 2003.
5. “论ADR对重塑我国非诉讼纠纷解决体系的意义”,载《政法论坛》2003年第3期。
On the Significance of ADR for the Reconstruction of China’s Alternative Dispute Resolution System, Tribune of Political Science and Law, the 3rd issue of 2003.
6. “检察院参与民事诉讼理论问题研究”,载王卫国主编:《法大民商经济法评论》(第二卷),龙八国际网页long8868出版社2006年版。
On the Theoretical Matters Concerning the People’s Procuratorates’ Participation in Civil Litigations, CUPL-CCE Law Review, edited by Prof. Wei Guowang, the 2nd Vol. of CUPL Press (2006 edition).
7. “浅论英美民事证据开示若干问题”,载《证据科学》2008年第6期。
Briefly on Certain Issues Relating to the Anglo-American Evidential Disclosure, Evidence Science, the 6th issue of 2008.
8. “简论法院民事调解的制度完善”,载《法制现代化研究》2008年卷。
Briefly on the Institution Improvement of the Civil Mediations Conducted by the People’s Courts, the Modernization of the Legality, the 2008 Vol., Nanjing Normal University Press.
9.“IAPL2008年年会评述”,载《证据科学》2009年第2期。 Comments on the IAPL Annual Conference of 2008, Evidence Science, the 2nd issue of 2009.
10. “环境侵权诉讼若干问题研究”,载《诉讼法研究》2009年第15卷。
Studies on Certain Issues Concerning the Environmental Tort Actions, On Procedural Laws, the 15th Vol. of 2009.
11. “简论传统‘覆审’制对现代民事再审的消极影响”,载《法大民商经济法评论》2009年第5卷。
On the Negative Effects of the Traditional “Fu Shen” System on the Modern Civil Retrials, CUPL-CCE Law Review, the 5th Vol. of People’s Court Press (2009 edition).
12. “简论确定除权判决的法律效力”,载《龙八国际网页long8868学报》2010年第3期。
On the Legal Bounding Forces of the Final and Effective Ausschlussurteil (the Abolishing Judgment for the Lost Negotiable Instrument),Journal of CUPL, the 3rd issue of 2010.
Studies on the Relationship between the American Legal Ideological Trends and the Evolution of Its Civil Litigations, On Civil Procedure, the 11th issue (Oct. of 2013), Xiamen University Press.
14. “浅析侵害社会公益民事诉讼之适格原告范围”,载王卫国主编:《法大民商经济法评论》(第十卷),龙八国际网页long8868出版社2014年版。
On the Scope of Qualified Plaintiffs in Civil Actions of Public Interests, CUPL-CCE Law Review, edited by Prof. Wei Guo Wang, the 10th Vol. of CUPL Press (2014 edition).
15. “大陆法系民事诉讼鉴定人的法律定位及相关问题研析”,载《证据科学》2017年第2期。
On the Legal Status of Court-Appointed Experts & Related Issues in Civil Trials of the Roman Legal System, Evidence Science, 2nd issue of 2017.
16. “论‘未成年子女交出请求权’案件中的执行标的”,载《民事诉讼法学的发展与走向》(龙八国际网页long8868民事诉讼法研究所著),龙八国际网页long8868出版社2018年8月版。
On the Identification of the Subject Matters in the Civil Enforcement Concerning the Fulfillment of Rights of Sending Back Minors, Development and Trend of Jurisprudence of Civil Procedure Emphases and Prospect (collection of essays), published by the CUPL Press in August of 2018.
17. “论实现‘未成年子女交出请求权’之‘执行保障措施’”,载《民事诉讼法学的发展与走向》(龙八国际网页long8868民事诉讼法研究所著),龙八国际网页long8868出版社2018年8月版。
On Civil Enforcement Measures for the Realization of Rights of Sending Back Minors, Development and Trend of Jurisprudence of Civil Procedure Emphases and Prospect (collection of essays), published by the CUPL Press in August of 2018.
18. “‘未成年子女交出请求权’及其司法裁判类型研析”,载《民事诉讼法学的发展与走向》(龙八国际网页long8868民事诉讼法研究所著),龙八国际网页long8868出版社2018年8月版。
Requests of Sending Back Minors & Analyses on Types of Related Judicial Decisions, Development and Trend of Jurisprudence of Civil Procedure Emphases and Prospect (collection of essays), published by the CUPL Press in August of 2018.
19. 杜闻:论英美民事诉讼中的专家选购及其规制困境,载《证据科学》2019年第4期。
On Expert Shopping in English - American Civil Trials & its Plight of Regulating, Evidence Science, 4th issue of 2018.
20. “论英美两国专家意见可采性与反传闻规则的复合关系”,载《龙八国际网页long8868学报》2019年第5期。
On Dual Relations between Admissibility of English-American Expert Opinions and Its Hearsay Rules, Journal of CUPL, 5th issue of 2019.
21. “论我国民事限制自认的含义及类型——以24篇判例解读为视角”,载《证据科学》2020年第1期。
On Meaning & Types of Limited Admissions in Chinese Civil Trials - From the Perspective of Analyzing 24 Related Cases, Evidence Science, 1st issue of 2020.
Comparative case law reviews
Published 29 case law reviews on Anglo-American civil procedure rules and its rules of civil evidence on People’s Court Daily (《人民法院报》)(sponsored by the Supreme People’s Court of China), from August of 2003 to June of 2006.
Research Projects
Cultural and Historical Background of Anglo-American Civil Procedure, supported by the National Planning Office of Philosophy and Social Science (NSSFC) of China, 2015.