PhD Supervisor
CUPL Academic Committee Member

Educational Background
2001. 9 - 2004. 7 Ph.D. in civil and commercial law in Chinese Academy of Social Sciences Law School
1998. 9 - 2001. 7 LL.M. in civil and commercial law in Zhengzhou University Law School
1994. 9 - 1998. 7 LL.B., Zhengzhou University Law School
Work Experience
2020 Dean, Civil, Commercial and Economic Law School, China University of Political Science and Law
2018 Vice Dean, Civil, Commercial and Economic Law School, China University of Political Science and Law
2014 PhD supervisor & Deputy Director of the Scientific Research Department of China University of Political Science and Law
2012 Professor, Civil, Commercial and Economic Law School, China University of Political Science and Law
2008 Associate Professor, Civil, Commercial and Economic Law School, China University of Political Science and Law
2004 Assistant Professor, Civil, Commercial and Economic Law School, China University of Political Science and Law
Research Interests
The General Part of Civil Law
Tort Law
Legal Methodology
Courses Taught
General Part of Civil Law
Tort Law
Contract Law
Property Law
External Exchange
2010. 6 - 2013. 1 Visiting scholar of the University of Bonn Law School
2007. 9 - 2008. 8 Visiting scholar of Columbia University Law School
Vice Chairman, Beijing Real Estate Law Society
Vice Chairman, Beijing Law of Obligation Society
Member, China Law Society
Member, China Civil Law Society
Member, Beijing Law Society
Member, Expert Advisory Committee of Tianjin Procuratorate
Expert Consultant of Xicheng District Court of Beijing
Adjunct professor of East China University of Political Science and Law
Adjunct professor of Zhengzhou University Law School
Adjunct professor of National Prosecutors College of P.R.C Henan Branch
Honors and Awards
1. The "Youth Achievement Award" of the 8th "Excellent Achievement Award of Scientific Research in Colleges and Universities (HUMANITIES AND SOCIAL SCIENCES) of the Ministry of Education" in 2020.
2. "Professor Qian Duansheng of CUPL" at level B in 2018.
3. "Outstanding Young and Middle-Aged Teachers Training Support Program of CUPL" at level A in 2018.
4. The paper "The Distinction Between the Principle of Public Order and Good Customs and The Principle of Good Faith" won the third prize of the fifth "Dong Biwu youth law achievement award" in 2017.
5. The paper "The Distinction Between the Principle of Public Order and Good Customs and The Principle of Good Faith" won the third prize of the "Fangde Research Award on The Rule of Law" in 2017.
6. "Beijing Youth May 4th Medal" in 2013.
7. The work "Research on the Tort Law System of Differentiated Protection of Rights and Interests" won the third prize of "Dong Biwu Youth Law Achievement Award" in 2013.
8. The paper "the method of distinguishing rights and interests in tort law" won the "Outstanding Research Achievement Award of Tong Rou Civil and Commercial Law Development Fund" in 2013.
9. Level B of "Outstanding Young and Middle-Aged Teachers Training Support Program of CUPL" in 2013.
10. The paper "The Distinction Between Basic Rights and Civil Rights and The Influence of Constitution on Civil Law" won the third prize of "Qian Duansheng law research achievement award" (ministerial Award) in 2012.
11. The Ministry of education's "New Century Talent Support Plan" in 2011.
12. The research on the principle of public order and good customs won the nomination award of "Qian Duansheng Legal Research Achievement Award " (ministerial Award) in 2010.
13. The research on the principle of public order and good customs won the first prize of "Outstanding Scientific Research Achievement Award of Youth of CUPL" in 2010.
14. The third “The Most Popular Teachers with CUPL Undergraduates” in 2008.
15. The second “The Most Popular Teachers with CUPL Undergraduates” in 2006.
Chinese, English, German
Contact Information
Civil, Commercial and Economic Law School, China University of Political Science and Law
No. 27 Fuxue Road, Changping District, Beijing
China 102249
Representative Publications
1. Tort Law System of The Differentiated Protection of Rights and Interests, Law Press, 2012.
2. Principles of Public Order and Good Customs, Peking University Press, 2006.
1. Distinction Between the Principle of Public Order and Good Customs and The Principle of Good Faith, Social Sciences in China, No. 11, 2015.
2. The Lack and Supplement of The Legal Source Clause of the General Principles of Civil Law, Chinese Journal of law, No. 1, 2018.
3. Basic Principles of Civil Law: Theoretical Reflection and Code Expression, Chinese Journal of law, No. 3, 2016.
4. Protection of Intentional Damage to Others and Pure Economic Loss in Violation of Good Customs, Chinese Journal of law, No. 4, 2012.
5. Methods of Distinguishing Rights and Interests in Tort Law, Chinese Journal of law, No. 4, 2011.
6. Distinction Between Basic Rights and Civil Rights and The Influence of Constitution on Civil Law, Chinese Journal of law, No. 5, 2008.
7. The Establishment of The General Provisions of Substantive Obligation Law of China's Civil Code and The Development of Interpretation Theory, Law Science, No. 5, 2020.
8. Management Authority of Property Service Provider in Civil Code, Journal of Zhejiang business and Technology University, No. 5, 2020.
9. From the Rural Land Contract Law to The Property Right of The Civil Code: The Improvement of The Legal Expression of "Three Rights Divisions", Law Science, No. 2, 2020.
10. Problems and remedies of the legislative thinking of replacing the general provisions of debt law with the general provisions of Contract Law - from the methodological nature of "application by reference", Journal of Suzhou University (Law Edition), No. 2, 2018.
11. Take seriously the basic provisions of Chapter I of the general principles of civil law, Social Sciences in Chinese Universities, No.3, 2017.
12. Französisches Recht und deutsche Auslegung: chinesisches Deliktsrecht als Produkt einer vermischten Rezeption. Zugleich ein Vorschlag für die Auslegung von § 6 GdH. In: Schermaier/Gephart, Rezeption und Rechtskulturwandel. Europäische Rechtstraditionen in Ostasien und Russland, Vittorio Klostermann,2016.
13. Peasant collectives Economic Organizations: Who is the Collective Owner? ——Further Analysis of The Relationship Between the Two from The Perspective of Risk Definition, Financial Law, No. 1, 2016.
14. Openness and Its Proper Realization of Chinese Civil Code, China legal review, No. 4, 2015.
15. Preunderstanding of Liability for Negligence in Contracting, Journal of CUPL, No. 4, 2014.
16. Reanalysis of The Concept Of "Legal Interest", Tribune of Political Science and Law, No. 4, 2012.
17. Development of Legal Interpretation of "Other Rights" in Article 823 (1) of German Civil Code: Positive Significance and Interpretation Dilemma, Journal of CUPL, No. 3, 2012.
18. Distinction and Intersection Between Property Management and Property Service -- On the Accuracy of The Application of Property Legislation Concept in China, Zhejiang Social Sciences, No. 6, 2012.
19. On "framework rights" in German Tort Law, Journal of Comparative Law, No. 2, 2012.
20. The Definition of Owners in Condominium Ownership in Chapter 6th of Property law, Journal of East China University of political science and law, No. 4, 2011.
21. The function of the Public Order and Good Customs in Tort Law, Academic Exchange, No. 5, 2007.
22. The Liability of Civil Aviation Passenger Transport Carrier for Passenger Property, Law Science, No. 6, 2006.
23. Protection of Bona Fide Third Party in Technology Clandestine Dealing, Intellectual Property, No. 6, 2006.
24. The Form and Content of the Preamble of Civil Code of PRC, Journal of Southwest MINZU University, No.7, 2006.
25. The Difference Between the Principle of Good Faith and the Principle of Public Order and Good Customs, Studies in Law and Business, No.2, 2005.
26. Reflection on the Scientification of Civil Law, Journal of East China University of political science and law, No.1, 2004.
Research Projects
1. A Legal Study on Promoting the Legalization of Credit Construction, supported by the National Social Science Fund of China, 2018.
2. A Legal Study on Judicial Application of Basic Principles of Civil Law from the Perspective of Legal Methodology, supported by the National Social Science Fund of China, 2017.
3. A Legal Study on the Application of Basic Principles of Civil Law, supported by Beijing Municipal Social Science Fund, 2015.
4. A Legal Study on Judicial Application of The Principle of Public Order and Good Customs, supported by the National Social Science Fund Youth Project, 2010.
5. A Legal Study on injuring behavior intentionally violating good customs in tort law, supported by the youth project of Humanities and social sciences of the Ministry of education.