Deputy Director of the Civil Law Institute

Educational Background
Zhongnan University of Economics and Law, Bachelor of Law
Zhongnan University of Economics and Law, Master of Law
Renmin University of China, Doctor of Law
Renmin University of China, Post Doctorate of Philosophy
Work Experience
2012 - 2016 Associate Professor, China University of Political Science and Law
2016 - Present Professor, Civil, Commercial and Economic Law, China University of Political Science and Law
Research Interests
Property Law
Basic Theory of Civil Law
Contract Law, etc.
Courses Taught
General Introduction to Civil Law
Contract Law
General Principles of Civil Law
Methodology of Law, etc.
External Exchange
2016. 3 - 2017. 3 Visiting Scholar of Institute of Roman Law, Faculty of Law, University of Bonn
Part-time Researcher of the Civil and Commercial Law Research Center of Renmin University of China
Member of Beijing Civil and Commercial Law Society
Member of Beijing Consumer Protection Law Society
Member of Civil Law Research Association of China Law Society
Member of Beijing Consumer Protection Law, etc.
Honors and Awards
1. The article“The Essence of That ‘What the Law Does Not Forbid, It Allows‘ in the Sense of Private Law” - the second prize of the 2014 Outstanding Achievement of Dong Bi Wu Youth Law.
2. The article "The Ethical Foundation of the Legal Act System" - First Post-Doctoral Research Achievement Award in Law& The first prize of the Law Institute of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences and the Institute of Applied Law of the Supreme People's Court.
3. The article "Private Autonomy and the Character of Private Law" - (2013) Tong Rou Outstanding Scientific Research Achievement in Civil and Commercial Law.
4. The article "Reconstruction of entry into force of legal acts system requirements" - (2011) China University of Political Science Civil and Economic Law Forum in autumn prize.
5. The article "Research on the Legal Act System-Centering on Private Autonomy" - (2006) National Hundred Excellent Doctoral Dissertations Award.
6. The article "Study on the Scope and Function of Applicable Regulations for the Effectiveness of Legal Acts" - the first prize of the 2009 Autumn Forum of the School of Civil and Commercial Economics of China University of Political Science and Law.
Chinese, English, German
Contact Information
Office Address:
Room B323, Keyan Building, Xueyuan Road Campus
Civil, Commercial and Economic Law School, China University of Political Science and Law
No. 25 Xitucheng Road, Haidian District, Beijing
China 100088
Representative Publications
1. New Horizons of Basic Theory of Civil Law, Law Press, 2012 edition.
2. General Civil Law, Peking University Press, 2008 edition.
3. Respective issue of debt law, Peking University Press, 2009 edition.
1. “A Civil Law Perspective on the Interpretation of the Relationship between Principle and Exception”, published in Chinese Social Sciences, the ninth issue of 2019.
2. “The Contextual relationship between Negotiorum Gestio and Commission Contract in Chinese Civil Law”, published in Legal review, the sixth issue of 2020.
3. “The Basic System Structure of Negotiorum Gestio in Chinese Civil Law”, published in Tribune of Political Science and Law, the fifth issue of 2020.
4. “The Essence of That ‘What the Law Does Not Forbid, It Allows’ in the Sense of Private Law”, published in Chinese Social Sciences, the fourth issue of 2014.
5. “The Institution of Legal Act: An Ethical Foundation”, published in Chinese Social Sciences, the fifth issue of 2004.
6. “The Provisions of the Sales Contract Apply by Analogy to Other Onerous Contracts”, published in Law Research, the first issue of 2016.
7. “Private Autonomy and the Character of Private Law”, published in Legal Studies, the third issue of 2012.
8. “Individualism Methodology and Private Law”, published in Legal Studies, the first issue of 2006.
9. “Reconstruction of the System of Effective Requirements for Legal Acts”, published in Chinese Law, the second issue of 2012.
10. “China’s Civil Law Since Reform and Opening Up in 1978”, published in Chinese Social Sciences the sixth issue of 2008, the second author.
Research Projects
1. “The Theory and Practice of the Relationship between Private Law and the Constitution, Public Law, and Social Law: Inter-law Reconciliation and Interaction”, National Excellent Doctoral Dissertation Author Special Funding Project, 2007.
2. “Ideological Interpretation and System Reflection on Legal Acts”, a later project funded by the National Social Science Foundation, 2013.
3. “Examination and Reflection on the Public Power Phenomenon in Private Law”, “New Century Excellent Talent Support Program of the Ministry of Education” project, 2013.