主讲人介绍 / Speaker Bio
Dr Leopoldo Parada is an Associate Professor in Tax Law and Director or the Centre for Business Law and Practice (CBLP) at the University of Leeds School of Law, where he researches on international and European tax law issues. Previously, he held academic positions in Italy, the Netherlands, and Germany, and practised full-time as tax advisor in Chile, Brazil, and the United States. Dr Parada is also a tax policy advisor for different governments and international organisations around the world; he is the author of several books and academic articles, and a regular speaker in specialised conferences worldwide. Most notably, his work has been cited by the US Congress and by the Court of Justice of the European Union in a recent case concerning investment funds in Finland. In 2020, Dr Parada was recognised by the "TaxCOOP 35 Leaders of the Future in Taxation" in Canada as one of the most promising tax policy experts worldwide.