工作单位: 龙八国际网页long8868 龙八国际网页long8868 环境资源法研究所
联系方式: 北京市海淀区西土城路25
E-mail: mengxing0518@126.com mengxing.lu@
1. 教育经历
Ø 2013年9月—2017年9月 荷兰马斯特里赫特大学法学院 法学博士
Ø 2011年9月—2013年6月 龙八国际网页long8868 环境与资源保护法学硕士
Ø 2006年9月—2011年6月 龙八国际网页long8868法学院与外国语学院 法学与英语双学士
2. 工作经历
Ø 2018.1—至今, 龙八国际网页long8868 龙八国际网页long8868 讲师
Ø 2017.9—至今 联合国环境规划署—中国政法政法大学环境法研究基地 研究员
Ø 2018.11—至今, 龙八国际网页long8868检察公益诉讼研究基地 研究员
Ø 2020年 波兰华沙大学中国法与经济研究中心 访问学者 (受疫情影响转为线上讲座)
Ø 2021年 新加坡国立大学 亚洲法协会 访问学者(受疫情影响推后);
Ø 2019年-至今 俄罗斯圣彼得堡大学法学院 客座教授 (受疫情影响转为线上讲座)
3. 研究领域
环境法与环境治理, 中国环境法研究, 国际环境法, 环境法经济学
4. 教授课程
5. 学术成果
Ø Lu M and Faure M (2021) ‘Does the tiger have teeth? A critical examination of the toolbox approach of environmental law enforcement in China’, Review of Environmental, Comparative & International Environmental law.1-14. doi:10.1111/reel.12418 (SSCI)
Ø 吕梦醒 (2021), 生态环境损害多元救济机制之衔接研究,《比较法研究》2021年第1期。
Ø Lu, M. and Faure, M.(2020), ‘Shifts in Compensation for Environmental Damage: Reflections on China’s New Soil Pollution Law’, Asia Pacific Journal of Environmental Law Vol.23 No.2, pp. 136-159.
Ø Lu, M. (2020), ‘The Prospect of Corporate Environmental Responsibility: Another Road to Achieve Ecological Civilization and Green Belt and Road Initiative’, Chinese Journal of Environmental Law 4, 182-199.
Ø Lu, M. (2020), ‘The Chinese approach to CSR governance-an analysis of government-CSR relationship in China’ , International Journal of Business Governance and Ethics Vol.14 No.4, pp.384-405.
Ø Lyu, M. (2019), ‘As Urbanization Increases, Cities Face Issues of Waste Management’, April 26, CGTV Opinions.
Ø Lu, M. (2018) ‘Corporate Social and Environmental Responsibility—Another Road to Achieve China’s Sustainable Development’, Brill.
Ø Lu, M. and Faure, M. (2016) ‘The regulation of corporate environmental responsibility’, in Philipsen, N., Weishaar, SE., and Xu, G. (eds.) Market Integration: the EU Experience and Implications for Regulatory Reform in China, Springer.
6. 工作语言
7. 学术活动
Ø Online Lecture organized by Faculty of Law, Saint Petersburg State University, Russia (24 March 2022) Presentation: Environmental Public Interest Litigation in China
Ø Online Lecture organized by Faculty of Law, Saint Petersburg State University, Russia (30 April 2021) Presentation: The Prospect of Ecological Damage Compensation in China
Ø Virtual Expert Group Meeting on validating UNODC’s legislative guide on illegal waste trafficking (13-15 April 2021)
Ø Online Lecture organized by Faculty of Law, Saint Petersburg State University, Russia (6 May 2020) Presentation: Introduction to Chinese Environmental Law and Judicial Protection of Environmental Rights
Ø Online Lecture organized by Polish Centre for Law and Economy of China, University of Warsaw, Poland (18 April 2020) Presentation: From Regulation to Governance: the Prospect of Corporate Environmental Responsibility in China
Ø International Workshop on Ecological Civilization and Global Environmental Governance (22-24 October 2019, Haikou, China) Presentation: Corporate Environmental Responsibility—Another Road to Achieve the Goal of Ecological Civilization and BRI Initiative
Ø The Second Forum on the Cooperation of Environmental Rule of Law in the B&R Countries ( 20-22 November 2018, Bangkok, Thailand) Presentation: Environmental Risk Management of Chinese Enterprises When Investing in B&R Countries
Ø The International Journal of Business Governance and Ethics Workshop (12 January 2017, Huddersfield, the UK.) Presentation: The role of corporate social responsibility in China’s environmental policy framework
Ø 21st Ius Commune Conference (25-26 November 2016, Maastricht, the Netherlands) Presentation: The role of public authorities in promoting CSR
Ø 20th Ius Commune Conference (26-27 November 2015, Leuven, Belgium)
Ø Ius Commune Master Class Leuven (11–12 July 2015, Leuven, Belgium) Presentation: Corporate environmental responsibility and environmental regulation
Ø 19th Ius Commune Conference (27-28 November 2014, Edinburgh, UK)
Ø Metro Seminar (15 October 2014, Maastricht, the Netherlands) Presentation: The Regulation of Corporate Environmental Responsibility
Ø Ius Commune Master Class Amsterdam (4 July 2014, Amsterdam, the Netherlands). Presentation: The regulation of corporate environmental performance
Ø Market Integration: The EU Experience and implications for regulatory reform in China (12 May 2014, Beijing, China) Presentation: The Regulation of Corporate Environmental Responsibility
Ø Comparative Law Research and Methodology (April 3 and 4, 2014, Utrecht, the Netherlands) Presentation: The law and economic analysis methodology
Ø The Future of Law and Economics (27-28 March 2014, Maastricht, the Netherlands)
Ø Foundations of Ius Commune (27-29January 2014, Maastricht, the Netherlands)